Thursday, April 17, 2008

A status update

This is in response to GVKs post on the Ugadi saplings. After the saplings were planted, there have been no rains and it has been a major concern for us. The 'water pipeline works' like all government works has been too slow and is likely to take another week to complete. The people who earlier provided water now seem reluctant.

Watering was done daily from 7th till 14th. It has been 3 days since we last watered the plants. The soil just around the saplings though are still wet due to the practice we have adopted. We have placed 'used plastic bags' over the soil just around the sapling so that the water content in the soil does not get evaporated. As a result, even the scorching heat has not affected the plants in any major way. In spite of that, I was a bit worried when I saw some of the saplings shed off their leaves completely. But, today morning when I went to the place, I saw this:

Many of the saplings which were looking dead had new leaf buds such as these. Today, it looks cloudy and I hope it rains. Tomorrow, we could have even more results.

We are now in the process of tagging each sapling with its ID. Today morning I have tagged about 10 trees. In another 2-3 days, the tagging process should be complete. Tagging involves tying a small tag with the planting ID to the sapling so that there will be no confusion regarding which plant is planted by whom. This means that a tree planted by ERR will have a small tag somewhere in the bottom of the shoot saying that the tree ID is KA0901012. See picture below for an example.

(See top center of the image for the planting ID)

The vijayanagar park though has a problem with the planting IDs in that the trees are not in serial order. The source of this problem is that the planting was done randomly due to confusions on the inauguration day.

1 comment:

Deepa said...

The photo was a pleasure to see. What a great initiative!